Carrie Staples offers enchanting books for children and adults alike. Take a tour of some of her bestsellers below. All the books and booklets are available as paperbacks and eBooks on Amazon:
The Single-Minded Prince
The Single-Minded Prince
The birth of a baby changes everything in the once peaceful kingdom. From the start, Prince Bertram the First is headstrong and single-minded. It is quickly evident that the boy loves birds above everything else. King Ollenfrond and Queen Tindra are delighted with their son, although it soon becomes obvious to them and the Wizard Fernwake that raising Bertie will be a unique challenge.
Follow the adventures of a willful prince and a feared pirate who create their own worlds based on what they believe is most important in life. Prince Bertie sides with birds against cats! His efforts to protect birds and totally banish cats cause endless unforeseen problems. Each solution results in a new and more difficult challenge.
Captain Brute Nastie and his gang of plundering pirates consider a future in Venture Capitalism! The Wizard Fernwake woos the mighty Southeast Storm King in hopes that he will use his incredible powers to restore the balance of nature. Enemies discover they are friends in a series of totally unexpected events where everyone wins. For ages 8-98!

The Single-Minded Prince Book Review
The Single-Minded Prince Book Review
Financial planning, home-schooling and threats to balance of nature all in one fairy tale for all ages!
Prince Bertram the First is born in the Kingdom under the sign of single-mindedness. And true to his astrological sign, he certainly is. Early on, the young prince develops a deep love for birds, which may be what earns him his nickname Bertie. A precocious child, he soon realizes that cats are the natural predator of his beloved birds, and thus, he banishes every last one of them from the Kingdom the first chance he gets.
That chance comes along quite by coincidence, when his parents, King Ollenfrond and Queen Tindra, take off on a well-earned seagoing vacation and leave Bertie in charge. Alas! The royal couple is abducted and held hostage by a band of swashbuckling pirates, turning their planned short absence into one that last years and years. During this time, Bertie and his young sister run the kingdom as they see fit.
The denizens of the Kingdom include wizards and professors and especially talking cats who plot how to regain entry into Bertie’s heart and thus bring all the banished cats back into the Kingdom. There are nefarious deeds done by the evil but endearing pirates, who eventually see the error of their ways after the King shows them how to double their plunder and turn it all into an early retirement fund. There are storms that come and go on schedule, and even a few that speak English.

The real Gray Malkin Stutterfoote
The Yarn Animal Book Review
The Yarn Animal Book Review
“I personally like this book. Anyone with a love for crafts would find the Yarn Animal Book fun, as well as interesting. There are challenges for the expert, as well as easy projects for the beginners. Young girls love to braid. So, how hard would it be to braid strings of yarn to make arms and legs for animals? Not hard at all.
As for myself, I am very partial to crochet, especially crocheted animals. I love making and giving them to family and friends when they need cheering up. I am also still struggling with knitting, but the wonderful herd of knitted animals in the Yarn Animal Book has made me determined to create them. Can you imagine the beauty of the crocheted turtle, camel, and huge-tusked walrus, crocheted in today’s selection of textured yarns? I urge you to find one of these wonderful books for yourself.
If you have small children, they will have many hours of pleasure helping you make page after page of colorful, shapely animals using only basic skills and a few items from around the house. Can't crochet or knit? No problem! Caroline Staples has many wonderful drawings which instruct on beginner knitting and crocheting. She carefully explains needlepoint and embroidery stitches for the exotic crewel decorated animals.
The unicorn and hippo are my favorite. There are even knitted finger puppets, which are made by making a tube, which is then sewn together and decorated with bits of felt, beads, sequins, and buttons. With a bit of imagination, any animal can be created. I applaud Caroline Staples. She nurtures the child in all of us. This book is a keeper.” – yuckypeanutbutter

Booklet One: Woolly Yarn Animals
Booklet One: Woolly Yarn Animals
This is the perfect craft booklet for kids. It's clear, simple directions make it extremely useful for school fund-raisers, Brownies and Girl Scouts, church and summer camps.
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Pompom basics, How to Make Small Pompoms, How to Make 10 Small Pompoms All At Once, Mini-Pompoms, Braids, Tassels, Loops, Woolly Strips
THE PROJECTS: Mini-Monster Friend, Cuddly Caterpillar, Panda Bear, Pompom Poodle Pup, Squeezable Squirrel, Grouchy Lion, St. Bernard Pup, Loopy Lamb, Octopus, Octopus Variations

If you've never encountered the rya stitch, it makes the most wonderful fur imaginable! When I first encountered it, I was ready to make an entire zoo! Speaking of zoos, Batang and Kyle, Bornean orangutans, had a baby boy 9/12/2016 at the National Zoo! First orangutan baby born there in a quarter century. Mom and baby are doing fine! There is a wonderful baby orangutan pattern in this booklet and in The Yarn Animal Book.
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Latchet Hooking, The Rya Stitch/Needle Rya.
THE PROJECTS: Ladybug Pillow, Ladybug Rug, Hedgehog, Turtle and Bear, Scottie, Hedgehog, Broomstick Pony,Star-nosed Mole, Beaver, Duckbill Platypus, Llama, Anteater, Orangutan, Variations on Orangutan, Lion and Llama
SUPPLEMENTARY SECTIONS: “Crochet Instructions”, “Pompom, Tassel & Braiding Instructions”, “Crewel & Embroidery Stitches”

The blue hippo in the photo is based on a ceramic figure of a hippopotamus found in an Egyptian tomb. The original may be seen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Imagine a lazy hippo climbing out of the Nile covered in lotus blossoms!
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Crewel and embroidery stitches
THE PROJECTS: Fish, Pig, Bird, Pony/Giraffe and Variations, Hippo, Cat
SUPPLEMENTARY SECTIONS: “Pompom, Tassel & Braiding Instructions”.

The cat in the photo is Gray Malkin Stutterfoot, one of the heroes of my children's book, The Single-Minded Prince!
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Stitches and Techniques
THE PROJECTS: Snail and Variations, Cat, Mouse, Rabbit, Owl and Variations, Elephant
SUPPLEMENTARY SECTIONS: “Pompom, Tassel & Braiding Instructions”.

Fast, easy and impressive, the beginning knitter patterns have won more than their share of hearts and blue ribbons at county fairs!
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Knitting techniques
THE PROJECTS : Elephant and Variations, Owl, Cat, Turtle, Any-Animal Puppet and Variations, Mr. Big-Mouth Puppet, Finger Puppets, Donkey and Variations, Pony, Unicorn, Zebra, Porcupine and Variations, Skunk, Hedgehog, Rabbit, Mother Kangaroo and baby plus variations: Mother Dragon and Baby Dragon, Mother Dinosaur and Baby Dinosaur
SUPPLEMENTARY SECTIONS: “Crochet Instructions”, “Pompom, Tassel & Braiding Instructions”, “Crewel & Embroidery Stitches”,”Rya Stitch Instructions”

If you've never picked up a crochet hook, you are in for a real treat! You will soon discover that you can crochet absolutely anything.
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Crochet Instructions
THE PROJECTS: Simple Knitted Animals Adapted to Crochet, Quick Kiwi, Corky The Bookworm, Dragonfly and Butterfly, Piggy Bag, Turtle with Removable Shell, Walrus and Variations, Seal, Broomstick Dragon, Camel and Variations
SUPPLEMENTARY SECTIONS: Pompom, Tassel & Braiding Instructions, “Crewel & Embroidery Stitches

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Download and print out a coloring book page for readers of the Single-Minded Prince
Please email me your completed coloring to carrie@carriestaples.com! I’d love to see it!